How to Heal Yourself at Home with Energy Healing
For the past few years, I've used energy healing techniques to heal physical pain, remove limiting beliefs, and more in my morning self-healing routine. But from May to July, I was working on myself so much that I considered this period as being in my own "Healing Rehab." As soon as I sat down in front of my notebook after breakfast, I'd start writing pages and pages of limiting beliefs and negative programming. They just came to me because I was ready to clear out all this stale energy to make room for better things to come in.
I wanted to break down my healing process for anyone who wants to take healing into their own hands. This is not a beginner-friendly guide since it's for those already familiar with at least one healing modality, whether certified to practice one or have experienced how it works in one or more sessions with a professional energy healer. If you are new to this, I do encourage everybody to learn to self-heal, so read on to get an idea of what I recommend to get started.
Really, I was motivated to write this guide for my clients, who already understand how this process works and want to advance more on their own time. It's not always financially feasible for everyone to have weekly healing sessions. The reason I got certified as an energy healing practitioner in the first place was that it was getting expensive to go to my healer for every little issue. Now that I understand how energy works, within myself and out in the world, I feel empowered to change my life for the better and want others to feel the same.
Benefits of Healing Yourself
I admire anyone diving into this work because it is not easy nor pleasant to examine your own negativity. Going to a professional intuitive healer is always beneficial because they can find blindspots and have unbiased perspectives on your issues. With some practice, you can also learn to heal yourself on your own time.
Here are all the amazing reasons why I think you should learn to self-heal:
- Get to know yourself on a deeper level.
- Understand why you have physical, mental, or emotional pain and gain the tools to heal them.
- Increase inner strength and confidence.
- Learn to improve and trust your intuition.
- Understand how your mind, body, and soul are all working to help you, not against you.
- Break out of victim mentality and take 100% responsibility for your life.
- Make peace with the past and welcome in a better future.
- Align yourself with what you want to manifest by removing blockages.
- Learn life lessons the easier way by being proactive in doing the spiritual work.
What You Need to Self-Heal:
- A quiet, comfortable space
- Notebook & pen
- Healing manual
- Optional: pendulum
It would be extremely useful to learn how to muscle test since this helps confirm your own subconscious beliefs. Using a pendulum is one of the ways to muscle test, and it's what I currently use.
Recommended Methods of Self-Healing:
I've reviewed 7 different energy healing methods, and you can read that post to understand the advantages and challenges of each method to select the best one for you.
What most of these methods have in common is the concept of removing negative scripts and replacing them with positive ones. The latter is important because if you remove things, you don't want to leave energetic voids.
These are the energy healing methods that I use on a regular basis. I've categorized them into three levels so you have options based on your skill set and how much you want to advance. The key to mastering any method is to practice.
Level 1: The Emotion Code — A beginner-friendly self-healing method for removing trapped emotions that you can learn from reading the book. This is the method that got me started with self-healing. The book goes into detail about different ways to muscle test.
Level 2: ThetaHealing — I had ThetaHealing sessions as a client, which I found so effective that I went on to get certified as a practitioner. Many of their courses train you on how to find subconscious beliefs that are not serving you. I would say over 90% of my own healing comes from doing belief work, and that seems to be the case for my clients as well. You can learn the ThetaHealing technique by reading the book, but personally, I've found that it made more sense when I took the courses, where I could practice with classmates and ask the instructor questions.
Level 3: Top People — For those who need help beyond belief work, this method has more tools for deeper healing such as resolving pending karma and getting rid of curses. I kept taking classes because I found the topics so interesting. A few courses remind me of Hogwart's Defense Against the Dark Arts, since they teach what kinds of negative entities are out there and how to protect yourself against them. This method helped me sharpen my psychic skills. Logistically, they are a small team so communication and organization can be limited.
If you're versed in one or more of these methods, you can use them with the advanced healing tools I've uncovered as a result of intense work on myself within the past two years. Start with the post on how to remove Trapped Energies in the Body.
Complementary Spiritual Teachings
It's not unusual for healers to be drawn to some form of spiritual wisdom. I noticed that those already studying spirituality, including myself, had an easier time tapping into their intuition while training to be a healer.
As you may know, I'm a long-time Kabbalah student. I've looked into many different spiritual schools and communities, and Kabbalah is what I always come back to. In a nutshell, it gives me a practical playbook on the rules of life. I was and still am a logical person, so when I was taking classes, I was that student constantly asking questions, and the teachers always gave answers that satisfied and made sense to me. I meet with my Kabbalah teacher once a month to keep on track with my spiritual growth and better connect to the Light. I also like that the company evolves with the times, and they are always finding ways to improve.
If you are drawn to a different school of wisdom or practice, that is totally fine, and remember that you can study more than one thing. I've always been open to different spiritual teachers and learning different healing methods.
It would be good to have a trusted mentor/teacher to guide you on your healing and spiritual journey. Aside from my Kabbalah teacher, I have sessions with my own healer at least once a month as well. My teachers have their own teachers, and so on.
If you're good at mindful practices such as meditation, that can also benefit or help accelerate your healing skills.
How to Find Issues to Work on
Sometimes just becoming aware of what your problems are, especially at the core, will heal them, which is why so many people find relief from therapy and different mindfulness methods.
Healing work can really help when self-awareness and positive thinking are not enough. When clients come to me with issues they are aware of but can't get rid of on their own, we look at a multitude of things, including how their current circumstance, no matter how negative, benefits them on a subconscious level. Often it's a matter of feeling safe. We discuss better beliefs to download for them to feel safe so we can get rid of the negative programming that they've held onto because it was benefiting them in a weird, roundabout way.
It does take training and practice to get good at finding hidden beliefs. Student practitioners often trade sessions with classmates. But you can still find issues while practicing on your own. Sit with yourself and consider these questions:
Other people as mirrors — What are you annoyed by, resentful of, or even hate in other people? Make a list. Then muscle test whether you have these qualities in yourself. Often, we resent those who share our own negative qualities or represent what we fear becoming. You can spend a lot of time working on yourself just by doing this.
Blame — Who are you blaming for the bad things in your life? Your parents, the government, a different race, culture or gender, your boss, an ex-lover, God, etc. Why?
God — Do you think you're being punished by God? Do you think you deserve certain things but God is the one getting in the way, putting obstacles in your path? Do you trust God's plan for you?
The Magic Cure — Do you think that if you just have this one thing in your life (money, love, etc.), all your problems will be solved? Why? What frustrates you because you don't have it?
Negative Patterns — Do you find yourself in the same or similar difficult situations over and over again? Are you meeting the same type of people who trigger you? What bothers you and why?
Physical Pain or Illnesses — The body communicates with us all the time. I often reference Louise Hay's index of physical issues and probable causes in her book You Can Heal Your Life to get clues on the possible emotional issues at the root of the physical symptoms.
Thoughts & Emotions — Many people brush away negative thoughts or uncomfortable emotions and try to distract themselves by being busy, but they want your attention for a reason. What are your recurring thoughts and emotions trying to tell you?
Triggers — If you find yourself getting irritated by something someone said in passing or even by fictional scenarios you see on TV or read in a book, you might want to look into why.
External Validation — Are you waiting for someone to love you or pat you on the back? What do you think they can give you? Why can't you give it to yourself?
Fears — What do you fear and why? What's the worse thing that can happen? Vianna Stibal's book Digging for Beliefs is helpful for getting to the root of fears.
Inherited Beliefs — What kind of belief systems did your parents pass down to you? Did your ancestors have prejudices against other races, tribes, communities, or cultures?
Jealousy — Who are you jealous of and why? What do they have that you want? Why can't you have it too?
Out of Reach — What do you think is impossible or out of reach for you? If you know what you want, why can't you have it?
Regret — Do you wish you can change something from the past? Why? If you could change it, what do you think would happen?
If you keep practicing and opening your intuition, the beliefs and issues ready for you to work on will simply come to you when you ask the creator.
How to Resolve Issues
Once you have a list of negative traits or beliefs you suspect you have, muscle test them to confirm to yourself that you have them.
Think about the positive traits and beliefs you'd like to replace them with. Use the healing modality of your choice to make the change. What they all seem to have in common is to swap out the negative energy/belief for positive ones.
Muscle test the beliefs again to see if you still have the old beliefs and also if you have accepted the new ones. Once successful in making these changes, let your energy settle for at least a day. If things haven't changed, go deeper because there is something else to uncover. If you really find it difficult to solve something on your own and you want to, seek help from a professional healer.
When you remove a layer, more beliefs may emerge and the feelings that arise may be uncomfortable, but this also means you are ready to release more issues. If you're like me, you might enjoy continuing working on yourself, "cleaning house," but how much you do really depends on what you want. It's also okay to take breaks.
I always tell clients to look for proof that this is working. Is your physical, mental, or emotional pain healed or at least improving? Are you no longer triggered by the people or circumstances that once upset you? Are you now attracting what you want in life? Are people treating you better? Do you feel more confident and comfortable in your own skin? The results speak for themselves.
Risks to Consider
Any time you grow spiritually, you might risk leaving behind the people in your life who do not want to change. It's up to you—and them, since they have free will too—whether to continue your connection even if you're now vibrating at different frequencies. Change can be uncomfortable especially if you've been friends for years. But if there are people in your life who don't want the best for you, ultimately growing apart from them is in your best interest. The good news is that you'll attract more compatible people who will inspire you and support you on your path.
Another thing to consider is not to overdo the healing. If you're new to energy work, especially if you've never worked with a professional healer before, you can start by releasing up to five beliefs in one self-healing session. Give your body time to balance itself since we are shifting energy by doing this work. When I first started ThetaHealing, I would feel light-headed after sessions. Now I can handle releasing pages of beliefs at once with no issues. Everybody is different but start slow just in case. If in doubt, ask your teacher.
I hope you found this guide to self-healing helpful. What kind of energy healing methods are you using? Are you seeing results? Let us know in the comments below.
Continue learning how to heal yourself at home with these new advanced healing tools I discovered. Start with the post on how to remove Trapped Energies in the Body.