ThetaHealing Part 1: My Experience as a Client

I'm so grateful to have discovered ThetaHealing. I can't recommend it enough. After my first private session with a ThetaHealer while visiting New York, I continued to have weekly sessions over Skype.

After a few months of private sessions, I became certified as a ThetaHealer myself. I still find it extremely beneficial to hire a professional ThetaHealer every so often to help me uncover blind spots for deeper issues.

I've been getting more questions about ThetaHealing lately, so I thought it would be helpful to write about what it is and my personal experiences as a client for anyone curious and interested.

What is ThetaHealing and what does it do?

When I try to explain ThetaHealing to others, it may sound vague, even bizarre. Before I tried it myself, I was told something like, "I told the ThetaHealer my issue, she asked me a bunch of questions, and my body either swayed back or forth for a yes or no. I don't know what she did, but I felt so much better after the session."

The ThetaHealing website explains it as "a meditation training technique utilizing a spiritual philosophy for improvement and evolvement of mind, body, and spirit."

Still pretty vague, right? If I hadn't heard about ThetaHealing through trusted friends, I wouldn't have gotten into this. It's a healing modality that has been spreading through word of mouth. After my first session, I still wasn't clear how this worked. All I knew was it felt like a therapy session, except the ThetaHealer actually fixes the problem by replacing your negative beliefs with positive ones—instantly.

Now that I've had a year's worth of experience, I'm able to break it down for you in more detail.

What is the ThetaHealing technique is and what can it do for you? Read this thorough review of what happens in a ThetaHealing session and whether it works.Pin
Photo by Aron Visuals on Unsplash

ThetaHealing was developed by Vianna Stibal in 1995. You can read in her first book how it was created and how she used the technique to heal herself and her clients. Now ThetaHealing is used around the world to heal physical pain, release emotional trauma, break negative beliefs and patterns, and much more.

The Theta state is a deep state of relaxation, with slower brainwaves. An example would be the moments before you fall asleep. In a session, the ThetaHealer will bring the client to a Theta state through a quick meditation. While in this state, your subconscious truths will emerge more easily so the practitioner can identify your limiting belief programs and clear them.

The Theta state is where we connect with the creator, the energy of pure love. The ThetaHealer does not actually do the healing. They have the important role of facilitating the session and witnessing the creator's energy do the healing. ThetaHealers will ask you questions while also listening for any messages from the creator.

The ThetaHealing Digging process

What makes ThetaHealing's results lasting and effective is a process called Digging. If you come in with one issue, the ThetaHealer will ask you a series of questions to get to the root of that issue. If only the surface belief is healed, the root issue is still there, and the negative belief might even return.

Imagine a Jenga stack. If you remove the top block, the structure—the root issue—stays intact. But if you pull out the bottom piece, the whole stack falls away. The digging process saves time because once the root belief is healed, the related issues, including the surface-level issue you came in with, go away as well. What's interesting is that the surface issue and the root issue may not logically seem related to each other, and only through digging we uncover how it does.

The ThetaHealer is trained to know what questions to ask to get to the bottom belief. Sometimes they won't need to ask many questions because they also receive insights from the creator.

Watch this video from a UK ThetaHealer for a simplified example of what goes on in a private session. The client came in with one issue: knee pain she had for ten years. They uncover her bottom belief to be "I am a mistake," passed down in her DNA by one of her ancestors. Another underlying issue is the pressure of not knowing which direction in life to pursue. Once these issues are cleared, her knee pain goes away too.

If a healer simply sent healing to her knees, the pain might return because she wouldn't have dealt with the root issues that were causing it.

A note on muscle testing

You might have noticed from the video that the ThetaHealer tested the beliefs of the client by pulling her fingers apart. Her fingers stay closed for "yes" answers, and they open on "no" answers. If you're familiar with other types of energy healing work, you might have heard of muscle testing.

Muscle testing, also known as applied kinesiology, is a way to test your subconscious. ThetaHealing uses muscle testing to test for belief programs in a client so the ego is not in the way. Muscles stay strong for "Yes" and become weaker for "No".

There are several ways to muscle test. This video gives instructions for 7 options. Personally, I find the stand and sway test to be the most reliable, especially when I don’t have another person helping me test. Using a pendulum also works well for me.

I caution not to drive yourself crazy muscle testing on your own. Muscle testing is only used to test your subconscious beliefs, and they are not facts. For example, you might test yes for "I am fat and ugly," when you are perfectly healthy and attractive. The statement may currently be true for you, but it is not fact.

Interestingly enough, using specific words matter when testing. Take the statements "life is hard" and "life is difficult." They have more or less the same meaning, but someone can test yes to the first statement and no to the second. Why? Words can have different nuanced meaning for different people.

Do not muscle test yourself for future predictions or for what other people are thinking or doing, such as, "will I get that job?" or "Is my boyfriend cheating on me?" It does not work for anything other than revealing your own subconscious beliefs, so again, don't drive yourself crazy.

In a Theta session, muscle testing is mainly for the benefit of you, the client. You might not even know—or believe—you have certain beliefs until you muscle test. If you're having trouble muscle testing for some reason, don't worry. An experienced ThetaHealer will know what to do to help you.

Is ThetaHealing right for you?

ThetaHealing can remove self-sabotaging patterns, release anger and trauma from various types of abuse, heal physical pain and diseases, and much more.

You can be of any religion or background to use ThetaHealing, as long as you believe in a higher power, a creator, God, Divinity, or whatever you want to call Source.

In the ThetaHealing command, we say "Creator of All That Is." If a client is more comfortable using "Jesus," "Buddha," "Goddess," etc., instead, that can easily be done.

The client's root issue may be attributed to genetic beliefs or beliefs carried over from past lives, so being open to reincarnation is also recommended.

Being open to energy healing, in general, would make it easier for the ThetaHealer to intuitively read and help you. If you are only going to the session because someone said it would be good for you, but you're reluctant to take a deep look at your issues and have another person read your energy, you are not going to get as much out of the session as someone who is open.

Is ThetaHealing safe?

Yes, ThetaHealing is safe. As with any profession, you'll have good ThetaHealers and bad ones. All certified ThetaHealers should follow a code of ethics. They cannot even give you a positive belief until you give them verbal permission to do so. You have free will; they can only work on the issues you want to work on. If you want to stop a session or change the topic to something else, you are more than allowed to do so. The energy used is that of the creator, which is pure love. ThetaHealing helps you better connect to yourself.

ThetaHealing is not meant to replace conventional medicine. They may work in conjunction with each other. Unless a ThetaHealer is also a doctor, there may be instances when she may see something in a client's body but not know what she's seeing, so she may refer you to a doctor to get it checked. Conversely, a doctor may be able to diagnose and treat a client's physical symptom, but not know what is causing it. ThetaHealing sessions would help unearth emotional issues, life events, or anything else that may have caused or contributed to the problem.

How to find a ThetaHealer

ThetaHealing is such a strong word-of-mouth modality that I found my practitioners through the recommendations of friends. After I got certified myself, I've been working with a local ThetaHealer who also taught me the courses.

If you want to find a ThetaHealer near you, search for one in their database.

2021 update: I am now taking clients part-time as a certified healer. I use a combination of ThetaHealing and The Top People Technique. You can find out more on my booking page.

If you can't find one near where you live, a Skype or phone appointment is just as good because we are working with energy. I've only had one in-person session. The rest has all been through Skype.

The appointments are usually an hour long. Fees are usually around $100-$140 an hour. Some may charge more or less. For me, the sessions have been worth every penny. Many offer free consultations so you can get a feel whether you and the practitioner will be a good fit.

I would say that if you are not having a breakthrough from even the first session, look for a new ThetaHealer. I've been lucky enough to work with talented practitioners and I always come away from each session absolutely amazed at the revelations we uncovered about myself.

My experience with ThetaHealing as a client

I always knew belief work was powerful, but I felt that some of my negative beliefs were so deeply rooted, no amount of repeating positive mantras seemed to help.

For weeks before I heard of ThetaHealing, I was really asking the creator for guidance. I felt certain things within me were holding me back in life, and I couldn't pinpoint the source of these patterns.

Through other students in my spiritual community, first I discovered other energy healing modalities, which helped. I still felt I needed to go deeper, so when I tried ThetaHealing, it really clicked for me.

This technique has helped me eliminate chronic physical pain, remove fears, blockages, and negative patterns in my work and relationships, and increase self-confidence. I have no more hangups about my body, I feel so much more comfortable in my own skin.

In Theta, we work on the 3 R's—Rejection, Resentment, and Regret. We release the pain, shock, and trauma we experience from the painful situations while solidifying the lessons we learned from them.

Now, whenever another person or situation triggers a negative reaction in me, I write them down on a list and resolve them in my next Theta session. I'm actually glad when someone or a situation annoys me these days because they're triggering something within me I need to deal with and learn from.

Can healing really be this fast and easy?

If ThetaHealing works instantly, why doesn't everyone use it?

Well, if you've read this far, I'm impressed because not everybody is open to something like ThetaHealing.

Not everyone wants to go deep and look at their own garbage. They might be too afraid to "open that can of worms," as one friend told me. It may be easier to live with—or bury—the pain or anger rather than talk about past traumatic events.

Some people lie to themselves by pretending everything is fine. Some don't think they have that many issues to work on. Some may want to resolve their issues the hard way, by going through similar situations over and over until they finally get it. They don't believe there's an easier way. Many simply do not believe this works.

So while ThetaHealing sounds easy, the real challenge is to have the desire to find out what is wrong. Not everyone wants to do this, but the solutions are there for those who really ask.

Some may have Theta sessions a couple of times to heal a certain issue and they're satisfied. That's perfectly fine too. I love having regular sessions because I don't want anything holding me back from living my best life. I love how much lighter I feel after each session. I always want to remove any fears and blockages that emerge as quickly as possible.

Once we're able to clear the garbage within ourselves, we are free to fulfill our purpose and help others.

Read ThetaHealing Part 2: My Experience as a Student Practitioner 

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5 comments shared

  1. Hey Annie. I reached out to you about a week ago. But I never heard anything back from you. Did you get my comment/email?? I have been very interested in your journey reading your story and I would love to talk for a few minutes if you are available for that. Mornings or early afternoons work best for me. Please let me know if you get this this time. Thank you very much. I look forward to hearing from you. Thank you!! God bless! 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂

  2. Rosemary Rebo


    This is one of the very best articles I have read on Theta Healing (R). Well done! You have covered all the aspects, that cause concern, acutely snd precisely. It was a joy to read.