7 Energy Healing Methods
When I first got interested in energy healing, I found myself discovering many healing methods within that short period of time. These are the 7 that I have personally tried and now recommend. I note the pros and cons of each so you can decide which would be most suitable for you.
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People of every faith can use the following energy healing methods, should they choose to. ThetaHealing, Top People, and Akashic Records do deal with past lives, so reincarnation must be something you are comfortable exploring. Other healing methods are simpler and can be done alone at home.
1. The Emotion Code
The Emotion Code, developed by Dr. Bradley Nelson, identifies and removes hidden trapped emotions—i.e. emotional baggage. We develop harmful emotional energies from negative events throughout our lives and they become trapped in our bodies. We can also inherit trapped emotions from our ancestors.
The Emotion Code introduced me to muscle testing, a way of testing the subconscious mind that's widely used in other healing methods. In a nutshell, muscles stay strong for “Yes” and become weaker for “No”. There are quite a number of ways to muscle test. The Emotion Code book also goes through these methods in detail. Personally, I use the body sway test.
I was introduced to The Emotion Code by a friend who got certified in this method. It is quite simple once you learn how to muscle test effectively. We had three sessions together where we tested for which trapped emotions I had from the Emotion Code chart. Trapped emotions can also form around your heart, developing what Dr. Nelson calls a Heart Wall.
Advantages of The Emotion Code: A simple method to learn and use. No need to hire an Emotion Code practitioner unless you really want to. You can do it with the help of a friend or on your own once you know how to muscle test.
Challenges: Muscle testing can be a learning curve for some. The Emotion Code can be limiting for more complex issues.
2. ThetaHealing
I've written extensively about ThetaHealing. Read about my experience as a client and as a student practitioner. In a nutshell, ThetaHealing connects to divine energy via the Theta brainwave in order to do healings. An experienced ThetaHealer is able to see past lives and reveal hidden beliefs—blindspots—that we can't on our own. I highly recommend hiring an experienced and professional ThetaHealer so you can experience what a deep healing session is like. I did for months before I got certified as a practitioner myself.
New courses are still being developed. I'm looking forward to taking Intuitive Anatomy, a three-week course that teaches us how emotions and beliefs connect to each organ or system of the body.
Advantages of ThetaHealing: Instant healings are possible since the core issues are uncovered and addressed. There is so much to learn in ThetaHealing. You can even use ThetaHealing on animals and plants.
Challenges: Muscle testing can be a learning curve for some. Hiring a professional ThetaHealer can be pricey. To learn to do this on your own requires being certified as a ThetaHealer. You can read Vianna's book, but most will find it easier to learn in workshops.
3. Top People
The Top People Technique was founded by a wife and husband team Abril Abundes and Gerry Morales from Mexico. Abril held the first workshop for English speakers when she visited Canada in 2018, which I took. I've continued with their courses online, and I've now reached the Master of Energy level.
Top People allows us to be the light to do healings faster. While it also deals with belief work, we go deeper by learning about karma, rights, permissions, and working with the Laws of the Universe.
Advantages of The Top People Technique: A healing technique that goes beyond beliefs. The most thorough healing method I've discovered so far.
Challenges: Muscle testing can be a learning curve for some. This is an advanced healing method and students are expected to demonstrate psychic abilities from the first class. Can require a lot of training and practice. Logistically, they are a small team so communication and organization can be limited.
4. Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT)
A psychotherapist I knew was in the process of getting certified in EFT and offered me a few sessions as part of her required hours of client training. The Emotional Freedom Techniques works by tapping on the meridian points to restore balance to your body's energy. Based on Chinese medicine, it's often referred to as psychological acupuncture. This 2013 study shows that EFT was successful in significantly reducing the PTSD of war veterans.
While I find tapping relaxing, I don't use this regularly because I can simply use other methods that are faster.
However, I do think it's great to use for immediately reducing stress and anxiety. It's also easy enough to learn and do on your own, and you can find many YouTubers such as Brad Yates to tap along with on various issues.
Advantages of EFT: Easy to learn. No muscle testing involved. Relaxing. Can learn and do on your own without having to hire a practitioner.
Challenges: For deeper issues, it's better to hire a professional for blindspots. Can take longer than other methods to heal deep issues.
5. The Akashic Records
The Akashic Records are believed to hold every soul's journey in words, thoughts, feelings in the past, present and future. There are and have been some very talented Akashic Records readers out there, including the late Edgar Cayce.
Recently, I read The Akashic Records by Sandra Anne Taylor to learn more about the records and how to access them. At the end of most chapters are meditations you can record and listen to on your own. Why would you want to access your Akashic Records? Perhaps you'd like to learn about why a pattern is occurring in your life by learning what happened in a past life, or you want to rewrite the script for a positive future outcome.
Personally, I don't use the meditation recordings because I can assess my Akashic Records quicker using The Top People Technique.
Advantages of the Akashic Records: Interesting to access your soul's journey, past and future. Can learn to access records on your own through meditation.
Challenges: Getting a deep reading in the Akashic Records might take a lot of practice. A reading with a professional might be costly.
6. The Quantum Breakthrough Code
The book Your Quantum Breakthrough Code is by the same author as the Akashic Records book mentioned, which is how I discovered this underrated technique. The Quantum Breakthrough Code reverses mental, emotional, and energetic patterns. You can use it for things like weight loss, headaches, and quitting smoking, but the author has not tested it on major physical conditions such as arthritis or diabetes. It doesn't hurt to try, however.
This technique is the most simple out of all seven techniques. It requires using two hands next to the third eye for the decoding process and one hand on the third eye to code positive statements. You can use general statements, such as "I decode grief," and "I code joy." However, you do have to repeat this process until you feel change take hold.
Advantages to the Quantum Breakthrough Code: Easy to learn and use. No muscle testing required. No digging deep into traumatic issues and revealing intimate details to a practitioner. Can use general statements. Relaxing.
Challenges: Doesn't always get to the root of issue, so it might take some repetition for deeper problems to heal. Not tested to work on physical conditions.
7. The Healing Code
The Healing Code works by healing destructive cellular memories and unhealthy beliefs. While it doesn't directly heal physical conditions, people have reported being healed in physical areas as a result of this work. The focus is to remove stress and heal the heart.
The actual technique is quite simple. Once you know what you want to work on, use your hands over the four healing centers of the body for at least six minutes while thinking of something positive.
Since ThetaHealing and Top People provide me with instant healings, I haven't used this technique much. I do think this is great for those who don't want to hire a practitioner and talk about embarrassing childhood issues.
This is a technique you can use to heal yourself. Repetition may be required depending on the issue.
Advantages of The Healing Code: Easy to learn and use. No muscle testing required. No digging deep into traumatic issues. No need to reveal intimate details to a practitioner.
Challenges: Not developed for physical healing (although it can work). Doesn't always get to the root of issue, so it might take some repetition for deeper problems to heal. Limited to healing trauma in this life, not past lives.
I'm sure there are other amazing energy healing methods out there that work in a similar fashion, and I'm always interested in learning about new techniques. Please let me know in the comments below if you have one to recommend.
wrote:This was so helpful, thank you!
Annie Zhu
author wrote:Awesome 🙂